Manuscripts in the form of exposure to phenomena and research findings in the field of biology and other basic sciences (science) and fields of study in the tropics.



The length of the manuscript is not less than 4,000 words and not more than 8,000 words, including the reference bibliography.



Manuscripts should be written in Indonesian. Authors are expected to ensure that their manuscripts are written in good and correct language.




  1. The manuscript has never been published in any form of publication.
  2. The order of the manuscript is as follows: Title, Author Name, Affiliation, Author Correspondence, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, Bibliography.
  3. Avoid using abbreviations, such as etc., etc., e.g., etc., cf., op cit., and i.e..
  4. Reference style using : IEEE Style



The title is written in capital letters at the beginning of each word using Times New Roman 14 Bold font. Placed in the center of the line. The number of words in the title is no more than 15 words. Between the title line and the author line is separated using 2 spaces.



This section consists of three components: two author and affiliation components placed below the title. One correspondence component is placed at the bottom of the title page. The author's name is written in full without using titles accompanied by superscript numbers in order for affiliation and correspondence references (first and second authors). Using 10 Times New Roman (TNR) font, placed on the center line. Affiliation is written in 9 Times NR font mentioning the author's department and institution according to superscript numbers. Author's correspondence mentions e-mail.



Abstract is written in Indonesian and English with a maximum of 250 words. Written in one paragraph that includes background or problem or a hypothesis, objectives, methods, results/implications of the research. Key words (key words) written in a maximum of 5 words are placed on a separate new line after the abstract paragraph. The word ABSTRACT is placed in the middle of the line 4 x spaces 1 below the author's affiliation (all) and the abstract text paragraph below the word ABSTRACT. The word ABSTRACT is placed 3 x spaces 1 below the ABSTRACT keyword line. The text is written in one paragraph and font 10 Italic Times New Roman. Key words are written as before.



Explain the background and purpose of the paper/research. Supported by references to previous articles/papers or research results. Referred to as a sequential number in parentheses i.e. [number]. Written in 11 Times New Roman font.



Consists of mandatory components; Materials and Tools (research) and describes the quality of materials and equipment information. Mandatory component; Methods explains how the implementation / design / design of the research discussed and its analysis. The method is supported by a reference (mentioned in order as in the introduction above) and may be accompanied by tables and/or figures. Both components can be written as sub-subs of Materials and Tools and Methods. They can also not be mentioned as sub-subs of sub-Materials and Methods. The component of How to Work procedurally conducting research is not required to be explained. If the author wants to explain it, he/she can include Tables and/or Figures.



Consists of Research Results, Discussion/Discussion and Conclusion components. The author can separate the conclusion as a sub-sub of Results and Discussion to be mentioned separately as a sub-sub of Conclusion, or a separate sub-Conclusion.

The components of Research Results and Discussion/Discussion can be written at once and not separately as sub-subs. The Results and Discussion sub-sub is accompanied by tables, figures, and/or reference support.



The conclusion contains a description that must answer the research objectives. Do not repeat the Abstract or simply present the research results. Provide a clear explanation of possible applications and/or suggestions related to the research findings.



If any, include the writing of related institutions/agencies that support research funds.



For submission of publications in Bioscience-Tropic Scientific Journal (Bioscience-Tropic) use the IEEE of Style in References at the end of the manuscript. Please use Reference Manager Applications such as EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, etc. The recent research/ review articles (the last ten years) are strongly suggested to be used as references (more or less 80% of the cited references).

Write the bibliography in the order in which it appears in the text in the Introduction, Materials and Methods, and Results and Discussion sections of the manuscript. The writing of the bibliography is name, year, title, publisher, city of publication and page. There is a distinction between the types of reference forms used, which are as follows:

Textbook, Research Report, Thesis, Thesis

[1] Barus, T. A., 2014a. Introduction to Limnology Studies on Inland Water Ecosystems. VI Edition. USU Press. Medan. Pp. 45 â€" 56.

[2] Barus, T. A., 2014b. Brackish Water Ecosystem. 1st Edition. USU Press. Medan. Pp. 57.

[3] Syauqi, A. 2013. Urban Household Waste Management Based on Organic Material Sorting Process and Community Perception in Klojen District, Malang City. Thesis. PSL Study Program, Brawijaya University. Malang. Page. 158.


Annual Report of an Agency

[4] Anonymous. 2008. Anual Report. Rome: International Board for Plant Genetic Resources. 100pp.

[5] Environmental Ministry of Republic of Indonesia. 2008. Perface of International Seminar of Integrated Waste Management, Science and Technology. Jakarta. 50 pp.

[6] UNESCO. 2009. Unsist Guide to Standards for Information Handling. Paris. 304 pp.


Online (download)

[7] Tobing, I.S.L., Mujair, A.K. & Mubarok, O.K. 2009. Condition of Gray Sand Beach Waters Based on Benthos Species Diversity Index. Received on October 14, 2011. URL: http://www.darisana.

Online Access, Web page: Newspapers/Magazines, Formal/Official Institutions, Professional Organizations, Blogs of Teachers/Professionals.

[8] Tobing, I.S.L. 2009. Condition of Gray Sand Beach Waters Based on Benthos Diversity Index. Access Date October 14, 2011. URL: DOI


Online journal

[9] Cossu, R. (Ed). 2011. Perface of International Journal of Integrated Waste Management, Science and Technology. J Bioscience Trop.2(3), pp.1-9.  Received January 16, 2015. URL: http://biosaintropis. DOI

[10] Cossu, R. (Ed). 2011. Perface of International Journal of Integrated Waste Management, Science and Technology. J J BIOSCIENCE-TROPIC,.2(3), pp.1-9. Retrieved January,16th, 2015. URL:

Magazine, Print mass media

[11] Tobing, I.S.L. 2009. Condition of Gray Sand Beach Waters Based on Benthos Species Diversity Index. Environmental Magazine Edition XI, July, pp. 34.


Print Journal

[12] Cossu, R. (Ed). 2011. Perface of International Journal of Integrated Waste Management, Science and Technology. J BIOSCIENCE-TROPIC, 6(1), 10-20.

Interview, personal communication

[13] Guhardja, E. 2011. Personal communication. April 4, 2014.


Seminar, Working Paper, Conference, Symposium

[14] Napiah & Rifai, M.A. 2007. Species of Altenaria in Agricultural Centers of Java. Paper in Symposium on Crop Pathogens and Nematodes. BIOTROP. Bogor, February 21-23.

Download / on line Seminar, Working Paper, Conference, Symposium

[15] Sholeh, M. and Susanto, F. 2012. City Park Utilization Planning Facing the Dry Season. Paper in National Environmental Seminar on Urban Air Freshness in Indonesia. 10 pp. Received February 2, 2014 URL: