Audio Visual Education on Online Motorcycle Taxi Drivers' Knowledge of Panic Buttons in Lamongan Regency
Panic Button, KnowledgeAbstract
Panic button is an application replacing emergency call centers such as handling traffic accident victims to minimize fatalities. One of the occupations which often encounter traffic accidents is online ojek (motorcycle taxi) drivers who are on the road daily. On the other hand, it is found that their knowledge about panic buttons is still low. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of audio-visual education on online ojek drivers’ knowledge about panic buttons. This research used pre-experimental one group pretest-posttest design which was carried out on 61 online ojek drivers taken using the consecutive sampling technique in March 2023. The intervention was in the form of playing an educational video about panic buttons. The research data were obtained by using the panic buttons knowledge questionnaire, and then analyzed using the paired sample t-test. The results indicated that there was a significant effect on online ojek drivers’ knowledge about panic buttons after being given the audio-visual education (p=0.000). Audio-visual education can increase one’s knowledge because the material presented can be received through the senses of sight and hearing. It is recommended that people start switching from call centers to panic button applications, and for future researchers to provide interventions in the form of panic button reporting simulations and add a comparison group.
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