Jurnal Ilmiah Biosaintropis (Bioscience-Tropic) 2024-02-03T02:57:48+00:00 Hamdani Dwi Prasetyo Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;" align="justify">Welcome to the <strong>Jurnal Ilmiah Biosaintropis (Bioscience-Tropic)&nbsp;</strong>(p-ISSN <a href="">2338-2805</a>; e-ISSN <a href="">2460-9455</a>) published by <a href="">Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Islam Malang, Indonesia</a>.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;" align="justify"><strong>Jurnal Ilmiah Biosaintropis (Bioscience-Tropic) </strong>is the journal in biological science and relevance in all areas of life sciences at every scale; from molecules to ecosystems. This journal also examines the phenomenon of unique interrelation between all areas of life sciences and other discipline in tropical areas, with the aim to find an alternative solution of human wellbeing for Indonesian and world. Jurnal Ilmiah Biosaintropis (Bioscience-Tropic) indexed by <a href="">Sinta</a>,&nbsp; <a href="">Garuda</a>, <a href=";page=1">Mendeley</a>, <a href="">ISJD</a>,&nbsp;<a href="">ROAD</a>,&nbsp;<a href="">Onesearch</a><strong>.&nbsp;</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;" align="justify"><strong>Jurnal Ilmiah Biosaintropis (Bioscience-Tropic) </strong>is published 2 (two) times a year (No. 1: January; No. 2: August). Submissions are open all year-round. Before submitting, please make sure that the manuscript is in the focus and scope of <strong>Jurnal Ilmiah Biosaintropis (Bioscience-Tropic)</strong>, written in Indonesia, and follows our author guidelines and manuscript template. All submitted articles shall be original, have never been published elsewhere, and are not under consideration for other publications.</p> <blockquote><a href=""><img src="/public/site/images/hamdanidwiprasetyo/Makeasubmission2.png" width="200" height="66"></a>&nbsp;<a href=""><img src="/public/site/images/hamdanidwiprasetyo/Authorguideline.png" width="199" height="65"></a>&nbsp;<a href=""><img src="/public/site/images/hamdanidwiprasetyo/articletemplate.png" width="200" height="66"></a></blockquote> <div> <h4 style="text-align: justify;" align="right"><noscript><br data-mce-bogus="1"></noscript><noscript> </div> <div class="notifyIcon" style="display: none;"> </div></noscript></h4> </div> Persepsi Masyarakat dan Kondisi Lingkungan di Sekitar Tempat Penampungan Sampah Sementara Tegalgondo dan Kepuharjo Kecamatan Karangploso 2024-01-29T07:05:45+00:00 Nunuk Setia Indriyana Ratna Djuniwati Lisminingsih Saimul Laili <p><em>Community behavior in disposing of waste plays an important role in improving public health. Community participation is needed to reduce the amount of waste, especially the role of housewives. Efforts to reduce the amount of household waste require support, one of which is the public perception of household waste processing. So far, people do not have the habit of sorting and selecting waste so that the amount of waste disposed of at TPS continues to increase. This increase can affect the environmental conditions around the TPS if there is an accumulation of waste in the long term. This study aims to analyze public perceptions of TPS Tegalgondo and TPS Kepuharjo and to analyze the environmental conditions around TPS Tegalgondo and TPS Kepuharjo in Karangploso District. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative and direct field surveys. Based on the results of research conducted. The results of public perceptions of TPS Kepuharjo got very high perceptual scores about household waste management and low perceptions about TPS. The results of the analysis of environmental conditions at TPS Tegalgondo for the total risk value is 170 which is included in the medium category which means it requires high level management attention. The results of the analysis of the total risk value for TPS Kepuharjo is 112 which is in the low category, meaning that it requires management with routine procedures.</em></p> 2024-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Uji Perlakuan Irisan Daun Mimba (Azadirachta indica) Terhadap Penyusutan Luka Ikan Zebra (Danio rerio) (Kajian Eksperimen Biologi) 2024-01-29T07:06:03+00:00 Mumtazunnisa As Sufiyah Ar Rahmah Nour Athiroh Abdoes Sjakoer Ari Hayati <p>Mimba adalah tanaman yang sangat berpotensial untuk dikembangkan pada saat ini, disebabkan mimba memiliki potensi besar untuk pengendalian hama, perlindungan terhadap lingkungan dan dalam bidang pengobatan. Azadirachta indica merupakan tanaman yang bernilai ekonomis tinggi karena dapat digunakan sebagai obat – obatan. Dalam beberapa tahun yang lalu ikan zebra sering digunakan sebagai organisme model percobaan dalam ilmu bidang biomedis, hal ini karena ikan zebra memiliki anatomi dan proses fisiologis yang sama dengan vertebrata yang lainnya. Berdasarkan penelitian sebelumnya mimba mengandung senyawa yaitu flavonoid, tanin, saponin, terpenoid, alkaloid, asam lemak, steroid dan triterpenoid. Tujuan dari penelian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pemberian daun mimba (Azadirachta indica) terhadap penyembuhan luka zebrafish (Danio rerio). Jumlah hewan uji adalah 28 ekor ikan zebra dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok.. Kelompok 1 sebagai kontrol, kelompok 2, 3 dan 4 sebagai perlakuan. Daun mimba di iris kemudian di taburkan ke dalam aquarium yang telah berisi ikan zebra yang terluka. Dilihat perubahan luka selama 7 hari. Dihitung dan di analisis rata – rata perubahan luka ikan zebra, kemudian dianalisis menggunakan uji ANOVA menggunakan JAMOVI. Hasil dari penelitian ini penyusutan luka ikan zebra (Danio rerio) dengan rata – rata penyusutan luka sebanyak 0,0486 cm pada perlakuan kontrol, rata – rata penyusutan ukuran luka pada perlakuan P1 sebanyak 0,1429 cm, rata – rata penyusutan ukuran luka pada perlakuan P2 sebanyak 0,1571 cm, rata – rata penyusutan ukuran luka pada&nbsp; perlakuan P3 sebanayak 0,1714 cm, memiliki nilai yang beda nyata. Sehingga IDM dapat memberikan pengaruh terhadap penyusutan luka ikan zebra.</p> 2024-01-29T02:34:30+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Komposisi Jenis dan Kelimpahan Perifiton di Coban Talun Hulu Sungai Brantas, Kota Batu-Jawa Timur 2024-01-29T07:06:26+00:00 Mauludiya Luthfiana Husain Latuconsina Hasan Zayadi <p><em>This research was conducted at Coban Talun Hulu Sungai Brantas, Batu City, East Java in August 2020, this study aims to inventory, analyze the abundance of periphyton, analyze water parameters in the Brantas Coban Talun Hulu River. Determination of the location for sampling purposive. Physical and chemical parameters measured include temperature, pH, DO, turbidity and salinity. This study found 17 periphytic families, consisting of Naviculaceae, Melosiraceae, Bacillariaceae, Skeletonemaceae, Rhizosoleniaceae, Coscinodiscaceae, Peridiniaceae, Gonyaulacaceae, Triceratiaceae, Protoperidiniaceae, Striatellaceae, Dinophysaceae, Lithodesmiaceae, Leptocylindraceae, and Striatellaceae. The results of the abundance of periphyton showed that Coban Talun was at a good level. Periphyton community which is dominated by Bacillariophyceae group shows good water quality. Based on the analysis of water quality parameters, Coban Talun is in the good category. Although high anthropogenic and tourism activities are presented at Coban Talun, some riparian vegetation can reduce water pollution and stabilize dissolved and suspended soils caused by human activities. It can be concluded that Coban Talun is capable of supporting periphytonic life as well as </em></p> 2024-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analisis Konsentrasi Pestisida Klorpirifos pada Letal Ikan Mas (Cyprinus carpio) 2024-01-29T07:06:40+00:00 Ririn Alfiatu Rohimah Hari Santoso Ahmad Syauqi <p>One type of orghanophosphate pesticide used by farmers is chlorpyrifos. Uncontrolled use of pesticides has an impact on environmental pollution, especially aquatic biota. The purpose of this study was to analyze the acute concentration of chlorpyrifos pesticide against goldfish (Cyprinus carpio). The research method was experimental with preliminary research, acute toxicity test (LC50), real test (sub lethal). The concentration of treatment in experimental animals includes the sublethal test K0 (control) 0 ppm, K1 0.25 ppm, K2 0.30 ppm, K3 0.35 ppm, K4 0.40 ppm, K5 0.45 ppm. The preliminary test results obtained an upper lethal threshold value of 0.5 ppm and a lower lethal threshold value of 0.25 ppm. Acute toxicity tests ranged from K1 0.25 ppm to K5 0.45 ppm. The results of the acute toxicity test (LC50) at K1 0.25 ppm and K2 0.30 ppm showed experimental goldfish exposed to chlorpyrifos experienced abnormal behavior, namely increased operculum movement (opening and closing) with an average of K1 = 72.405; K2 = 43.130 causes goldfish to die quickly, swim on the surface, tend to approach the aerator, and move quickly without direction. The conclusion is that there is a significant relationship between the amount of pesticide concentration given to the survival of goldfish.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong><em>:Goldfish (Cyprinus carpio), Chlorpyrifos pesticide</em></p> 2024-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengaruh Variasi Konsentrasi Indole Butyruc Acid (IBA) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Anggrek (Dendrobium canaliculatum) Pada Media Tumbuh Moss Putih 2024-01-29T07:06:56+00:00 Hanin Rahma Fitri Tintrim Rahayu Gatra Ervi Jayanti Dita Agisimanto <p>&nbsp;<em>Orchids are ornamental plants that are in demand by the public because of the beauty of their flowers and are very profitable prospects. However, orchids have a long growth phase, with one of the critical phases being acclimatization. The development of the acclimatization phase is a prerequisite for obtaining a high plantlet survival rate.</em> <em>Good plantlet survival is obtained with a good root system using a growth regulator auxin Indole Butyric Acid with white moss growing media. This study aimed to study the effect of variations in IBA concentration on faster root growth of Dendrobium canaliculatum orchids using white moss media. Plantlet Dendrodium canaliculatum seed culture from sub culture 3 and selected first, planted in white moss media, and treated twice a week for a month using 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 1.0 ml/L IBA and fertilizer NPK Mamigro 21-21-21 as much as 2 g/L. IBA concentration at 0.25 ml/L was the best concentration for the induction of new roots of Dendrobium canaliculatum orchids grown on white moss and had a high survival rate of 92%.</em></p> 2024-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Uji Nanoemulsi Ecoenzym Terhadap Bakteri Staphylococcus aureus 2024-01-29T07:07:10+00:00 Reza anindita Dede Dwi Nathalia Maya Uzia Beandrade Intan Kurnia Putri Afrinia Eka Sari Elisabeth Setyodewi <p>The discovery of eco enzyme as a fermented liquid from organic vegetable and fruit waste has been used as an organic plant fertilizer, disinfectant, hand sanitizer, antiseptic soap, and domestic waste degradation agent. However, trials of eco enzymes as raw materials for health preparations have not yet been carried out. Seeing this, trial research is needed on the use of ecoenzyme nanoemulsion against <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em> bacteria. This research aims to determine the antibacterial ability of ecoenzyme nanoemulsion against <em>S. aureus</em> bacteria. The design of this research is experimental. The samples used were ecoenzyme nanoemulsions with Formula 1 (F1) 20%, Formula 2 (F2) 25%, and Formula 3 (F3) 30%. This research includes making ecoenzyme, making ecoenzyme nanoemulsion, testing ecoenzyme nanoparticles, and testing ecoenezyme nanoemulsion against <em>S. aureus</em> bacteria using the Kirby-Baeur method. The results showed that the sizes of ecoenzyme nanoparticles in F1 20%, F2 25%, and F3 30% were 38.9 nm, 65.07 nm, and 146.2 nm, respectively. The results of the antibacterial ability test of nanoemulsion eco enzyme F1 20%, F2 25%, and F3 30% against <em>S. aureus</em> produced an inhibitory zone 4.3 mm (resistant), 4.3 mm (resistant), and 6.7 mm (resistant). This research concludes that the eco enzyme nanoemulsion is not effective in inhibiting the growth of <em>S. aureus</em> bacteria.</p> 2024-01-29T03:37:05+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Efek Ekstrak Biji Kapas (Gossypium hirsutum) terhadap Kualitas dan Perkembangan Embrio Mencit (Mus musculus) 2024-01-29T07:07:25+00:00 Nofri Zayani Ramadani Yulita <p>The cottonseed contained gossypol which can reduce fertility by distrupting follicles and oocytes formation process and development. Folliculogenesis disorder can reduce quality and competence of oocytes to be fertilized. It has an impact on the quality and development of the embryo. The objective of this study was to evaluate the cottonseed extract effect on the quality and development of mice embryos. The research used a total experiment with completely randomized design consist of 4 treatments (0; 1.5; 2.1; and 2.7 g/kg BW EBK) and 6 replications. EBK are extracted maceration using ethanol 80%. EBK administration was orally injection for 24 days. Last day of EBK administration, mices were mated. Embryos were collected on the 4 days of pregnancy by flushing the uterine cornua, then development stage and quality of embryos were determined. Embryos were then cultured in vitro for 48 hours in culture medium PBS supplemented by 10% FBS. The result showed that EBK 2.7 g/kg BW dose can reduce embryos quality by finding retarded, degenerated, and unfertilized oocytes. The decreased embryos number and ability to progress to the blastocysts, expanded blastocysts, and hatched blastocysts stage occurred after culture for 48 hours. Retarded (4-8 cells) and degenerated embryos are not development in 24 hours culture. In conclusion, EBK is able reduce quality and development inhibit of mice embryos, so that it can be used as candidates for herbal contraception.</p> 2024-01-29T04:34:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Uji Kepekaan Antibiotik Klebsiella pneumoniae dari Sampel Sputum, Darah, dan Pus 2024-01-29T07:07:41+00:00 Maulin Inggraini Noor Andryan Ilsan Siti Nurfajriah 2024-01-29T03:51:20+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Identifikasi Mikroplastik di Sungai Ngrowo, Tulungagung 2024-01-29T07:07:43+00:00 Desi Kartikasari Zunisnaini Zunisnaini Indra Nurdianyoto <p><em>Microplastics are synthetic organic polymers with size range 0.001-5 mm.</em> <em>The existance of microplastics disperse in the environment are harmful to human and natural ecosystems along with possess damage effects on aquatic organisms. The aim of the research</em> <em>was to determine types and abundance of microplastics in Ngrowo River Tulungagung. Sampling of microplastics was conducted at three locations, namely north city, center city and south city. The stages of the research were start from abiotic factors measurement of water continued with sampling, filtering and drying sample, purifying and separation of microplastics particle and observation using stereo microscope. The microplastics types found were fragment, fiber, filament, granule and foam with the highest average of abundance 13,450 particles.(m<sup>3</sup>)<sup>-1</sup> at the center city. The colors of microplastics obtained were dark blue, transparent, chocolate, white, black, grey and red with the highest number was dark blue. Microplastics are known derived from run off road the plastic particle, plastic degradation of domestic waste, industry and others anthropogenic activities. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</em></p> 2024-01-29T03:55:44+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Limbah Fermentasi Kombucha Bunga Telang Sebagai Produk Bioteknologi Berupa Pupuk Cair Organik Dalam Menunjang Pertumbuhan Seledri 2024-01-29T07:07:57+00:00 Firman Rezaldi Kartina Kartina Susiyanti Susiyanti Vevi Maritha Hadi Susilo <p>Fertilizers produced from a mixture of materials that are easily decomposed, easily improve the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil because they contain nutrients as an effort to increase plant growth are known as organic liquid fertilizers. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential of organic liquid fertilizer derived from the waste of butterfly pea kombucha fermentation combined with EM4 on the growth of celery plants. The research design includes T1, namely without treatment. T2 is the waste of butterfly pea flower kombucha fermentation added with 1 mL/L of EM4. T3 is the waste of butterfly pea flower kombucha fermentation added with 3 mL/L of EM4. T4 is the waste of butterfly pea flower kombucha fermentation added with 5 mL/L of EM4. The parameters of this study include plant height and number of leaves. The results of this study proved that kombucha fermented telang flower waste combined with EM4 correlated positively in supporting the growth parameters of celery plants, both plant height and number of celery plant leaves. The conclusion from this research is that the 5 mL/L treatment of 5 mL/L kombucha fermentation waste is the best treatment to support the research parameters, namely growth data on the average plant height and the number of leaves of celery plants.</p> 2024-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Hubungan Malnutrisi Jumlah Total Albumin dan Protein Serum Terhadap Aktivitas Siswa 2024-02-03T02:57:48+00:00 Ratno Budiyanto Maim0n Sumo Ferry Budi Prasetyo <p>Albumin dan Protein merupakan salah satu tolak ukur terhadap penentuan malnutrisi terhadap status gizi manusia. Keduanya dapat mengidentifikasi apakah ada korelasi terhadap aktivitas siswa yang rutin sarapan pagi dan yang tidak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan tingkat konsentrasi siswa selama menempuh pendidikan dalam kelas yang diukur menggunakan observasional analitik desain <em>cross-sectional</em> dan kadar albumin dan protein serum siswa. Sebanyak 22 siswa skrining risiko malnutrisi menggunakan <em>Subjective Global Assessment</em> (SGA) dilanjutkan dengan wawancara. Kadar diambil dari serum siswa dan Analisis statistik menggunakan uji korelasi nonparametric test menggunakan SPSS 26. Terdapat perbedaan signifikan perubahan kadar albumin p=0.001 dan protein p=0.002 antara siswa yang sarapan pagi dan yang tidak (p&lt;0.05). SGA mampu mendeteksi risiko malnutrisi pada 6 orang (27,3%) dan tidak berisiko manlutrisi pada 16 orang (48,4%), secara statistik albumin dan protein tidak signifikan berisiko malnutrisi dengan p-value 0.65 dan 0.70. Disimpulkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan bermakna antara siswa yang sering sarapan pagi dan tidak dengan kadar total protein dan albumin (p &gt; 0.05), hanya saja ada penurunan konsentrasi pada saat kegiatan belajar mengajar terutama menjelang siang sekolah</p> 2024-01-29T04:13:29+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Isolasi Dan Karakterisasi Bakteri Asam Laktat Dari Susu Kuda Bima (Equus sp.) Yang Berpotensi Sebagai Probiotik 2024-01-29T07:08:23+00:00 Elsa Mega Suryani Affan Gaffar <p>The aim of this research is to isolate and characterize lactic acid bacteria from mare's milk which have the potential to act as probiotics. Bacterial identification includes gram staining, antimicrobial activity test, hemolytic activity test, pH and bile salt tolerance test. The research results showed that C5 isolates isolated from horse milk samples had potential as probiotics. Characterization includes the form of bacillary bacteria, antimicrobial activity against the pathogenic bacteria <em>Escherichia coli ATCC</em> of 0.40 mm, gamma hemolysis, tolerance to pH 2, 3, 5 and tolerance to bile salts of 0.4-1%.</p> 2024-01-29T04:17:39+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Kajian Etnoekonomi Tumbuhan Masyarakat Dayak Bakumpai di Kabupaten Barito Kuala Kalimantan Selatan 2024-01-29T07:08:30+00:00 Muhammad Khalidi Muhammad Zaini Danang Biyatmoko <p>Etnobotani merupakan ilmu yang mengkaji interaksi antara manusia dan tumbuhan di sekitarnya. Etnobotani bermanfaat bagi masyarakat khususnya daerah yang memiliki potensi lokal beragam. Fokus penelitian yakni pada kajian etnoekonomi masyarakat Dayak Bakumpai Kabupaten Barito Kuala yang dimana masyarakat masih memanfaatkan tumbuhan potensi lokal sebagai mata pencaharian atau untuk memenuhi kehidupan sehari-hari. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan etnoekonomi tumbuhan masyarakat Dayak Bakumpai Kabupaten Barito Kuala. Metode yang digunakan yakni deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan snowball sampling. Subjek penelitian yakni tokoh adat, tokoh masyarakat, dan sesepuh desa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 20 spesies tumbuhan yang digunakan sebagai penunjang ekonomi warga Dayak Bakumpai dan hampir seluruh bagian tumbuhan dapat dimanfaatkan nilai ekonominya dengan hasil 3 spesies sebagai pewarna alami pembuatan makanan, 2 spesies untuk bahan “menginang” yang diperjualbelikan di pasaran, 2 spesies sebagai hiasan pekarangan bunga dan diperjualbelikan,&nbsp; 5 spesies untuk bumbu masakan yang dikonsumsi rumahan atau diperjualbelikan, 3 spesies sebagai perabot rumahan, tali/bakul, dan kayu bakar. 1 spesies untuk perawatan wajah “pupur sadingen”, 3 spesies untuk bahan makanan secara langsung yang diperjualbelikan, dan 1 spesies sebagai pewangi/parfum</p> 2024-01-29T04:19:32+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Keanekaragaman dan Kelimpahan Vegetasi Riparian di Sungai Saroka Kecamatan Saronggi Kabupaten Sumenep 2024-01-29T07:08:41+00:00 Mahrus Ali Sri Riani Wulandari Akhmad Ferdiansyah <p><em>Riparian vegetation is a plant community of several types of habitus such as trees, saplings and seedlings that live on river banks. The characteristics of riparian vegetation which have specifically adapted to environmental conditions make it have many strategic functions in maintaining the ecosystem. Some of the positive impacts of riparian vegetation depend on the varying structure and composition of the vegetation. The destruction of riparian vegetation will result in a decrease in the function of riparian vegetation in maintaining the ecosystem. The aim of this research is to study the diversity and abundance of riparian vegetation and to study environmental factors that influence the diversity and abundance of riparian vegetation. The method used is the belt transect method. The method is to make 4 belt transects, each measuring 10m x 80m. Each belt transect is made into a quadrant measuring 10m x 10m which is installed perpendicular to the river bank. Each quadrant is placed with a sampling plot measuring 2m x 2m for seedlings, 5m x 5m for saplings, and 10m x 10m for trees. Vegetation analysis includes: importance value index, diversity index (H'), uniformity index (E), and dominance index (C). The research was conducted on the Saroka River, Saronggi District, Sumenep Regency. The results of this research were the discovery of 37 types of riparian vegetation from 20 families whose habit was trees, saplings and seedlings. The highest INP&nbsp;for tree habitus is dominated by banana species, sapling habitus is dominated by cassava, while INP for seedling habitus is puzzle. The diversity index at all research stations is moderate (H'= 2.12), the uniformity index is high (E= 0.75) with a dominance index of 0.17 (almost no individuals dominate). Environmental factors that influence the diversity and abundance of riparian vegetation are air humidity, soil pH and environmental temperature.</em></p> 2024-01-29T04:24:07+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Eksplorasi Etnobotani Sebagai Obat Tradisional Masyarakat Desa Duko Kecamatan Rubaru - Sumenep 2024-01-29T07:09:02+00:00 Argus Argus Syarifahtuz Zahiroh Mahrus Ali <p><em>The utilization of plants as traditional medicine has been known for a long time by the people of Duko Village, Rubaru Subdistrict, Sumenep District. However, there is no data that can be used as an archive about plants in Duko Village, Rubaru District, Sumenep Regency. This study aims to determine the exploration of ethnobotanical diversity as traditional medicine and its parts used in traditional medicine and how it is utilized. This research is a non-experimental qualitative descriptive research and literature study. This research used field survey methods, semi-structured interviews, and documentation. This research was conducted in March-May 2023 in Duko Village, Rubaru District, Sumenep Regency. Sampling was carried out using purposive sampling technique in three hamlets, namely East Pedatar Hamlet, West Pedatar Hamlet, and Laok Lorong Hamlet, so that 97 respondents were obtained. Data analysis in this study used the Use Value Species (Uvs) method. The results showed that there were 107 species used by the people of Duko Village as traditional medicine to treat various diseases. Plant parts used include leaves with a percentage of 51%, fruit 26%, rhizomes 14%, flowers 11%, seeds 8%, tubers 7%, roots 7%, sap 6%, stems 4%, bark 2%, and plant hair parts 1%. Ways of utilizing plants in medicine include boiling, extracting, mashing, consuming directly, and roasting</em></p> 2024-01-29T04:29:32+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##