Pengaruh Fraksi Ejakulasi terhadap Motilitas Spermatozoa Kambing Peranakan Etawa (Capra aegagrus) The Effect of Ejaculation Fraction on the Spermatozoa Motility of Etawa Crossbred Goat (Capra aegagrus)

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Ayu Naila Nahdiyah
Hari Santoso
Hasan Zayadi



The ejaculation fraction on Etawa crossbred goat (PE goat) has various standard spermatozoa qualitues, one of which ismotility of spermatozoa. The motility of spermatozoa is very important to note in the development of artificial insemination techniques, because the success in artificial insemination techniques is strongly influenced by the motility of spermatozoa. The motility of semen spermatozoa is known through the process of examining the movement of spermatozoa in microscopic testing. The aim of this research was find out the effect of ejaculation fraction on motility of PE goat spermatozoa. Using an experimental method with a group's random consisting of two treatment groups; K1 is fraction 1and K2 is a fraction 2. The Replication of each treatment was eight replications and a total of sample research was 16 unit. The semen was collected once a week using artificial vagina (VA) technique. The semen collecting until the second ejaculation and  motility test of spermatozoa were immediately measured use sperm vision analyzers IVOS II. The test results of the ejaculation fraction observation using an independent sample t-test showed the value of t hit = 0.700 and t (0.025) than 2.14 t hit <t (0.025) meaning that H0 was received, there was no significant ejaculation fraction 1 with ejaculatory fraction 2; motility meaning of the spermatozoa from the PE goat of a fraction 1 and faction 2 not different significantly.

Keywords: ejaculation fraction, motility of Spermatozoa, PE goat.


Fraksi Ejakulasi pada Kambing Peranakan Etawa (PE) mempunyai kualitas spermatozoa dengan berbagai standart, salah satunya motilitas spermatozoa. Motilitas Spermatozoa menjadi hal yang sangat penting untuk diperhatikan dalam pengembangan teknik Inseminasi Buatan, karena keberhasilan dalam teknik Inseminasi Buatan sangat dipengaruhi oleh motilitas yang dimiliki spermatozoa. Motilitas spermatozoa semen diketahui melalui proses pemeriksaan daya gerak spermatozoa dalam uji mikroskopis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh fraksi ejakulasi terhadap motilitas spermatozoa kambing PE. Menggunakan metode percobaan dengan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK)  terdiri atas 2 kelompok perlakuan yakni Kelompok 1 (K1) adalah fraksi 1dan kelompok 2 (K2) adalah fraksi 2, ulangan masing-masing perlakuan 8 ulangan dan unit penelitian berjumlah 16. Penampungan semen dilakukan satu kali seminggu dengan teknik AV (Artificial Vagina). Penampungan dilakukan sampai ejakulat kedua. Segera setelah penampungan dilakukan pengukuran uji motilitas spermatozoa menggunakan sperm vision analyser IVOS II. Hasil uji pengamatan fraksi ejakulasi menggunakan t-test independent sample  menunjukkan nilai t hit= 0,700 dan t (0,025)= 2,14 maka t hit < t (0,025) artinya H0 di terima, yang mempunyai arti motilitas spermatozoa kambing PE dari fraksi 1 dan fraksi 2 tidak berbeda nyata.

Kata kunci: fraksi ejakulasi, motilitas spermatozoa, kambing PE


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How to Cite
NahdiyahA., SantosoH., & ZayadiH. (2020). Pengaruh Fraksi Ejakulasi terhadap Motilitas Spermatozoa Kambing Peranakan Etawa (Capra aegagrus). Jurnal Ilmiah Biosaintropis (Bioscience-Tropic), 5(2), 72-76.
Article (Makalah)


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